Give Them Wings to Fly!

Arfat - Sponsor Now


Place Bhiwandi, Mumbai

Age 14

Arfat lives in a slum community with 9 family members. Arfat's father was an auto driver with a daily income of about $6 a day until his leg was fractured in an accident, and he was forced to stay at home without pay. His illiterate mother began to work in a garment factory folding clothes and cutting threads. Her income was significantly less. With no other option, she set up a small vegetable cart, and Arfat and his brother sell the vegetables on the street.

Arfat's parents are aware of the benefits of education and want their children to educate themselves and rise out of their impoverished state. Since joining Udaan, Arfat has come every day to learn with all of his heart and shares what he is learning at Udaan with his family. He dreams of becoming a teacher one day. Arfat needs a sponsor to help support his education and his future.