Give Them Wings to Fly!

Shabreen - Sponsor Now


Age 9

Shabreen is shy. She lives with her parents and siblings in a small house in the Bhiwandi slum area. Her father works in a company that makes incense sticks, and his daily wages are less than $4.50. Shabreen came to Udaan severely malnourished and suffering from heart disease. She undergoes treatment at a government hospital and has to be in constant care. Shabreen's mother is chronically ill and has to care for all the children and maintain their home. Their family finds it hard to make ends meet with their low family income.

Shabreen can only come to Udaan a few days a week due to her health. She is trying to learn and understand what is being taught and has become interested in the activities. Shabreen desperately needs a sponsor to provide for her education so she can continue to enjoy her time at school.